วันอังคารที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

Adoption Month 2021

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“I don’t have children, but I have 17 nieces and nephews, and they more than makeup for anything that I can do. I have a stepdaughter, and I adore her to pieces, and I think about adoption. There are so many kids at different ages and stages that need families.” ~ Lauren Velez

Adoption Month is a month dedicated to bringing awareness to adoption and the children in need of homes and families. It’s a national holiday that aims at bringing good into the world by putting children first and aims to try and bring families together. If you want to learn more about this unique holiday, read more to learn about its history and see how you can participate in its celebration.

History of Adoption Month

Also called Adoption Awareness Month, it began in 1976 when Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis announced an Adoption Week to promote the need for families to adopt children in foster care. From there, then holiday became official under the presidency of Ronald Reagan in 1984. A few years later, in 1995, President Clinton proclaimed that Adoption Week should be changed to a month instead of a week because of the pressing need for adoptive families to take part in adopting children. From there, President Clinton expanded the adoption process by allowing families to use the internet as a resource for adoption.

Adoption Month became a national holiday for people to take part in. Current officials and candidates generally support this effort, and since then, Adoption Month has been proven to be somewhat successful. Since 2014, roughly 50,000 children have been adopted each year with the average age being about 7 years old. However, more statistics state that while 81.5 million Americans have considered adoption, about 23,000 children age out of foster care without finding a family. While more research is still in the process as each year passes, adoption is an important decision to make in a person’s life and should always consider all of the factors at play.

How to Celebrate Adoption Month

If you or a friend is considering adoption, then take research into all the factors associated with the adoption process, the child you want, and what it would cost to take care of the child. If you are ready for this important life decision, then talk with your local adoption center and see how you can get started. Take some time to research what the adoption process is like and see how you can change a child’s life forever. One of the best ways you can spread awareness of this holiday is by sharing it on social media so all of your friends and family members can know what day it is by using the hashtag #adoptionmonth.

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Native American Heritage Month 2021

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In countries all over the world, new people have travelled from their points of origin the inhabit land that previously belonged to others. While we call the Americas the “New World”, the culture and history of that country was anything but new when it was first discovered by Europeans.

The relations between their new neighbors (who quickly made themselves unwelcome) were tenuous and then tumultuous, until the culture of the country’s first inhabitants were nearly forgotten. Native American Heritage Month honors those who remain and serves as a reminder that the culture is far from dead, it’s still alive and breathing in the descendants of the First Americans.

History of Native American Heritage Month

The history of Native American Heritage Month goes back a surprisingly long time, even without considering the hundreds of years that Europeans have imposed themselves on the New World. The first inklings that such a day may come to pass occurred back in 1915 when Red Fox James, a Native American of the Blackfoot nation, took it upon himself to ride a horse from state to state seeking approval from 24 separate state governments for a day to honor the “American Indian”. In December of that year he presented it to the White House, apparently to no positive effect.

It was George H. W. Bush who officially took the steps to push forward a joint resolution that made November of 1990 the first official Native American Heritage Month. Multiple proclamations have been made since each year following 1994. Since then cultural sites, museums, and native tribal councils have organized events showcasing their rich and diverse culture and history so that it might be spread to the young and continue to thrive.

How to celebrate Native American Heritage Month

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month involves taking the time to recognize the rich diversities of the cultures that existed in America before it became the world power it is today. There are hundreds of tribes across the nation, but most people are only capable of naming a few, and even fewer are represented in the media of the day. If you live in the Americas, Native American Heritage Month is a great opportunity to research your local history and discover which tribes called the land you now live on home.

Then go on to find out what local tribal communities they are near you, and what sort of activities they present as part of their history during Native American Heritage Month. Visit, learn, and take it all in to honor this still living culture.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

Why Do We Celebrate National Healthy Skin Month?

How to Observe National Healthy Skin Month

  1. Chill out

    Put your feet up and manage your stress. Stress makes your skin break out and can make skin conditions like psoriasis much worse. Get your rest — between seven and nine hours a day. Exercise in the fresh air from time to time and breathe.

  2. Hydrate daily

    Sometimes the simplest actions give you the greatest benefits. Hydrating your entire body by drinking eight glasses of water daily is another cool way to moisturize your precious skin. Add lemons and other fruit to make your daily drinks even more refreshing. If plain water is boring, try adding cucumbers as well. Water clears out the dangerous toxins that hurt your skin.

  3. Check your skin for spots and blemishes

    Since November is National Healthy Skin Month, winter is an especially good time to check yourself carefully for spots with unusual shapes or colors that might indicate skin cancer. Look for moles that seem to appear. People with darker complexions aren't exempt from skin cancer. Although skin irregularities are not often apparent on darker skin, people of ethnic backgrounds tend to die more often from skin cancer.

Why National Healthy Skin Month is Important

  1. Skin problems impact everybody

    At some point in our lives, we all have trouble with our skin. National Healthy Skin Month lets us review the common problems and some of the treatments. For example, eight out of 10 Americans suffer with acne at some point in their lives. Acne is a skin disorder that causes pimples to form blackheads or whiteheads from clogged passageways between your oil glands and your skin’s pores. Other skin problems include eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.

  2. Skin cancer inspired National Healthy Skin Month

    Skin cancer, the most common form of cancer, affects almost 20 percent of the population. For this reason, the American Academy of Dermatology remains committed to informing the public about the danger skin cancer presents. The two most common forms of skin cancer are squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. However, the majority of skin cancer-related deaths are due to melanoma.

  3. Apply sunscreen all year long

    Sunscreen is a powerful weapon against skin cancer. Without sunscreen, those pesky ultraviolet rays can do irreparable damage to your skin. Apply your sunscreen even during the winter months. It's recommended that you use an SPF 30 daily in any kind of weather. It also protects against aging and as the commercials put it, "the ravages of time."

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It’s time to pay attention to your skin. National Healthy Skin Month each November is sponsored by the American Academy of Dermatology. You may not realize it, but your skin reveals a lot about your overall health. This month makes you aware of what it takes to keep your skin healthy as well as understanding how to treat and prevent common skin problems. National Healthy Skin Month stresses how to correctly use sunscreen and offers helpful tips on how to check your skin periodically to prevent skin cancer.

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Why Do We Celebrate National Epilepsy Awareness Month?

How to Observe National Epilepsy Awareness Month

  1. Register for an epilepsy walk

    Communities all over the country will raise funds in a variety of ways including walks. One of the largest is the upcoming 2020 Epilepsy Walk at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. But wherever you choose to walk, remember that you are helping to fight a debilitating disease that affects people of all ages and ethnicities. So, put on your best sneakers and join your friends for a walk to benefit a very good cause.

  2. Add a name to a Remembrance Wall

    The Epilepsy Foundation has a Remembrance Wall where you can add the name of a loved one who has passed away from epilepsy or its related causes. You can also establish a sort of wall on your Facebook page or Twitter feed. Ask your friends, family, and anyone else you know who has been affected by epilepsy to sign in the memory of someone else. It's a beautiful and healing thing to do.

  3. Break out the purple.

    Each evening, let a purple light shine in your window. Tie purple ribbons around that old oak tree. Bake purple cupcakes and make purple pancakes. Wear a purple pin. Got enough ideas now?

Why National Epilepsy Awareness Month is Important

  1. It affects the brain

    Epilepsy is a neurological condition in the brain that triggers seizures. Doctors believe that a brain's uncontrolled increase of excess electrical activity hampers its normal functions — causing a short interruption to messages traveling back and forth within the brain. This interruption causes epileptic seizures.

  2. It causes different types of seizures

    Seizures don't affect everyone the same way. The symptoms range from rapidly blinking eyes to someone going into a state where they stare blankly for a few minutes. Some people suffer a short interval of confusion. The more serious seizures involve falling to the ground with strong muscle contractions followed by a brief disorientation.

  3. It can attack randomly

    There are two kinds of epilepsy — crytogenic and idiopathic. Crytogenic people with epilepsy have no clearly identifiable cause for their condition. Idiopathic people with epilepsy show no neurological disorder, but these sufferers have symptoms consistent with people who are officially diagnosed with epileptic syndromes.

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What is National Epilepsy Awareness Month

National Epilepsy Awareness Month in November is an annual event that teaches people about epilepsy’s causes and symptoms. One in 26 people will be diagnosed with epilepsy at some point during their lifetime. Epilepsy is one of the least understood of all the neurological diseases, yet it is the fourth most common. During this month, many organizations join together to provide information about prevention, treatment, research, and resources to fight epilepsy.


Epilepsy, unfortunately, has a long history of misunderstanding and stigmatism. Evidence of individuals suffering epilepsy in ancient history attributed it to spiritual or demonic possession. In fact, Hippocrates, the great Roman medical practitioner, shunned the notion that it was a supernatural phenomena and believed that it derived from the brain, had hereditary aspects, and that how it presented itself in childhood also determined how it affected the rest of the individual’s life. 
Unfortunately, Hippocrates wasn’t believed until well into the 17th century, when the notion that it wasn’t demonic or spiritual possession finally subsided. But, the stigma associated with it continues to this day. One of the goals of National Epilepsy Awareness Month is to separate the disease from its historical and false reputations. Many countries still believe that it’s a sign of spiritual possession and, until 1980, individuals suffering from epilepsy weren’t allowed to marry in the United States. 

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Adoption Month 2021

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“I don’t have children, but I have 17 nieces and nephews, and they more than makeup for anything that I can do. I have a stepdaughter, and I adore her to pieces, and I think about adoption. There are so many kids at different ages and stages that need families.” ~ Lauren Velez

Adoption Month is a month dedicated to bringing awareness to adoption and the children in need of homes and families. It’s a national holiday that aims at bringing good into the world by putting children first and aims to try and bring families together. If you want to learn more about this unique holiday, read more to learn about its history and see how you can participate in its celebration.

History of Adoption Month

Also called Adoption Awareness Month, it began in 1976 when Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis announced an Adoption Week to promote the need for families to adopt children in foster care. From there, then holiday became official under the presidency of Ronald Reagan in 1984. A few years later, in 1995, President Clinton proclaimed that Adoption Week should be changed to a month instead of a week because of the pressing need for adoptive families to take part in adopting children. From there, President Clinton expanded the adoption process by allowing families to use the internet as a resource for adoption.

Adoption Month became a national holiday for people to take part in. Current officials and candidates generally support this effort, and since then, Adoption Month has been proven to be somewhat successful. Since 2014, roughly 50,000 children have been adopted each year with the average age being about 7 years old. However, more statistics state that while 81.5 million Americans have considered adoption, about 23,000 children age out of foster care without finding a family. While more research is still in the process as each year passes, adoption is an important decision to make in a person’s life and should always consider all of the factors at play.

How to Celebrate Adoption Month

If you or a friend is considering adoption, then take research into all the factors associated with the adoption process, the child you want, and what it would cost to take care of the child. If you are ready for this important life decision, then talk with your local adoption center and see how you can get started. Take some time to research what the adoption process is like and see how you can change a child’s life forever. One of the best ways you can spread awareness of this holiday is by sharing it on social media so all of your friends and family members can know what day it is by using the hashtag #adoptionmonth.

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Manatee Awareness Month 2021

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The manatee is a glorious creature, peaceful and patient, happily grazing on the broad variety of foods that exist within their aquatic home. They are a popular and well loved feature of the places they inhabit, serving as a sort of mascot for visitors and serving as a great draw for tourists. However, manatee aren’t the only creatures that love and adore the water, and they often find themselves in danger from their human fans, unable to move out of the way of the speedboats. Manatee Awareness Month reminds us that we aren’t the only creature in our watery play spaces.

History of Manatee Awareness Month

Manatee really are just wonderfully gentle creatures, but they aren’t at all quick, and certainly not quick enough to avoid the speedboats that often share their homes. Our use of the watery environments they live in leads to all sorts of interactions that are less than optimal to a happy manatee. The speedboat propellers often chew up their backs and cause grievous harm, and even those who appreciate them and try to keep them safe can bring them harm.

Feeding manatees, petting them, and even trying to ride them are all things that happen from overzealous tourists, but these can disrupt the natural day to day life of the manatee and impact their ability to survive. Manatee Awareness Month works to spread the news about these wonderful creatures and how to live side by side with them without bringing them harm or otherwise leading to their already endangered status becoming worse. After all, a future without manatee is a sad future indeed.

How to celebrate Manatee Awareness Month

Manatee Awareness Day is best spent showing your love and appreciation of the gentle sea cow, the manatee. If you live in a place where manatee inhabit the local waters, then go out and help educate people on how to interact with them.

Few people truly wish to bring them harm, but these large and friendly creatures often attract the well-meaning, help them know how to truly support the manatee.

If you live far from these gentle beauties, then you can learn on the internet, study in your local library, or even work to collect money to donate to those organizations that work to protect them.

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Adoption Month 2021

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“I don’t have children, but I have 17 nieces and nephews, and they more than makeup for anything that I can do. I have a stepdaughter, and I adore her to pieces, and I think about adoption. There are so many kids at different ages and stages that need families.” ~ Lauren Velez

Adoption Month is a month dedicated to bringing awareness to adoption and the children in need of homes and families. It’s a national holiday that aims at bringing good into the world by putting children first and aims to try and bring families together. If you want to learn more about this unique holiday, read more to learn about its history and see how you can participate in its celebration.

History of Adoption Month

Also called Adoption Awareness Month, it began in 1976 when Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis announced an Adoption Week to promote the need for families to adopt children in foster care. From there, then holiday became official under the presidency of Ronald Reagan in 1984. A few years later, in 1995, President Clinton proclaimed that Adoption Week should be changed to a month instead of a week because of the pressing need for adoptive families to take part in adopting children. From there, President Clinton expanded the adoption process by allowing families to use the internet as a resource for adoption.

Adoption Month became a national holiday for people to take part in. Current officials and candidates generally support this effort, and since then, Adoption Month has been proven to be somewhat successful. Since 2014, roughly 50,000 children have been adopted each year with the average age being about 7 years old. However, more statistics state that while 81.5 million Americans have considered adoption, about 23,000 children age out of foster care without finding a family. While more research is still in the process as each year passes, adoption is an important decision to make in a person’s life and should always consider all of the factors at play.

How to Celebrate Adoption Month

If you or a friend is considering adoption, then take research into all the factors associated with the adoption process, the child you want, and what it would cost to take care of the child. If you are ready for this important life decision, then talk with your local adoption center and see how you can get started. Take some time to research what the adoption process is like and see how you can change a child’s life forever. One of the best ways you can spread awareness of this holiday is by sharing it on social media so all of your friends and family members can know what day it is by using the hashtag #adoptionmonth.

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Adoption Month 2021

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“I don’t have children, but I have 17 nieces and nephews, and they more than makeup for anything that I can do. I have a stepdaughter, and I adore her to pieces, and I think about adoption. There are so many kids at different ages and stages that need families.” ~ Lauren Velez

Adoption Month is a month dedicated to bringing awareness to adoption and the children in need of homes and families. It’s a national holiday that aims at bringing good into the world by putting children first and aims to try and bring families together. If you want to learn more about this unique holiday, read more to learn about its history and see how you can participate in its celebration.

History of Adoption Month

Also called Adoption Awareness Month, it began in 1976 when Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis announced an Adoption Week to promote the need for families to adopt children in foster care. From there, then holiday became official under the presidency of Ronald Reagan in 1984. A few years later, in 1995, President Clinton proclaimed that Adoption Week should be changed to a month instead of a week because of the pressing need for adoptive families to take part in adopting children. From there, President Clinton expanded the adoption process by allowing families to use the internet as a resource for adoption.

Adoption Month became a national holiday for people to take part in. Current officials and candidates generally support this effort, and since then, Adoption Month has been proven to be somewhat successful. Since 2014, roughly 50,000 children have been adopted each year with the average age being about 7 years old. However, more statistics state that while 81.5 million Americans have considered adoption, about 23,000 children age out of foster care without finding a family. While more research is still in the process as each year passes, adoption is an important decision to make in a person’s life and should always consider all of the factors at play.

How to Celebrate Adoption Month

If you or a friend is considering adoption, then take research into all the factors associated with the adoption process, the child you want, and what it would cost to take care of the child. If you are ready for this important life decision, then talk with your local adoption center and see how you can get started. Take some time to research what the adoption process is like and see how you can change a child’s life forever. One of the best ways you can spread awareness of this holiday is by sharing it on social media so all of your friends and family members can know what day it is by using the hashtag #adoptionmonth.

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Novel Writing Month 2021

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We’re all full of stories, each of us with our own tales to tell, but we never quite seem to find the time to make it happen, do we? There’s always too much to do today, the feeling isn’t right, the story just isn’t there, or we just don’t feel good enough.

Thoughts like these are why some of the most influential books in history never got written, and procrastination is the great killer of artistic expression. National Novel Writing Month, known as NaNoWriMo by its adherents is your opportunity to bring out your inner tales!

History of Novel Writing Month

Novel Writing Month brings your excuses to a halt by encouraging everyone to take this one month of the year to try their hand at the grand art of storytelling. 50,000 words in one month is the goal, a number that seems quite daunting until you realize that over a span of 30 days it’s just 1700 words a day. To put that into perspective, that’s about three times the length of this article!

Established in 1999, NaNoWriMo was July back then, and the heart of it was the magical city of San Francisco. That year there were only 21 people involved, and they were at the heart of a revolution, though perhaps not the heart of the one they imagined. Fifteen years later thousands of people all over the world are participating in this amazing event, resulting in volumes of creative expression unlike the world has ever seen.

How to celebrate National Novel Writing Month

NaNoWriMo has a thriving and supportive community of people who love getting together, physically and digitally, to support each other and offer encouragement and inspiration to drive the creative endeavor. At homes, restaurants, coffee shops, libraries, and schools all over the world, NaNoWriMo takes all these places by storm. You can pop into nanintoo.org and find yourself a local “write-in” near you to help you get your write on!

Obviously, whether you join these folks or not, the whole point of NaNoWriMo is writing. So dig an idea out of your head and start writing, and hold yourself to 1700 words a day throughout the entire month of November. Don’t worry about editing, rewriting, or any of the little fiddly things one does when finishing a novel, that all can wait until after you’re done. The goal now is to get 50,000 words down on the page by the end of the month!

Don’t let November go by without taking your greatest novel idea and turning it into a reality!

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World Vegan Month 2021

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There is a rising movement in the world today, a movement that decries all acts of cruelty and unnecessary violence against our animal brethren. Its members range from those who merely won’t eat or wear anything made from animal flesh or skin, to those who actively campaign in every way against its continuation in any form. World Vegan Month celebrates them and the strides they’re making towards eliminating unnecessary cruelty to animals.

History of World Vegan Month

World Vegan Month was established in 1994 to commemorate the forward movement of the ideology, as well as the creation of The Vegan Society in the UK in November 50 years prior. Given the number of eaten dead, the date was selected to fall in line with Halloween and the Day of the Dead to honor those animals who had already passed under the unnecessary cause of supporting human life.

Vegans know there is a better way, and that the composition of the human body for being omnivores is something that, with time, can slowly be eliminated, rending our incisors as unnecessary as the appendix. All over the world there are celebrations and festivals being held that help bring together vegans and share diet tips and ways to replace their long lost meat. Bacon substitutes, sausage substitutes, even honey and butter substitutes have been devised so that they can embrace their idealism without having to give up the best of what was left behind.

In the early days of the Vegan movement these opportunities weren’t available, and they had to subsist on purely vegan options with no meat substitutes or anything to stand in for the foods that their contemporaries were consuming. The modern day allows Vegans to truly enjoy the broad range of foods the world has to offer, and substitutions for those that involve animal cruelty. A cruelty free world isn’t far away!

How to celebrate World Vegan Month

As we mentioned above, there are a ton of vegan options in the world, especially festivals and gathers where recipes and food secrets are exchanged. It goes a lot further than just food options too, everything from lipstick to deodorant has been guilty of containing animal products, and there was little on the shelf that wasn’t tested on animals. Now you can get educated on which ones are safe and which foods are the most delicious. Let World Vegan Month expand your palate and your sense of social responsibility!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

Listicles National Novel Writing Month 2021

5 Published NaNoWriMo Novels

  1. ​"Cinder" by Marissa Meyer

    "Cinder" takes on the classic fairy tale of Cinderella and sets it in a dystopian world. If you're feeling jaded about romance, the love story between a cyborg and a prince might be what makes you believe again.

  2. "​Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell

    ​"Fangirl" follows the story of Cath, a college freshman, who navigates this new chapter of life which includes new friends, worrying about her widowed father, learning to be on her own without her sister, and her Simon Snow fandom.

  3. "​The Forest of Hands and Teeth" by Carrie Ryan

    What do you get when you combine a post-apocalyptic forest, zombies, and a village of survivors ruled by the "Sisterhood"? A New York Times best-seller about violence, secrecy, and repression.

  4. ​"Side Effects May Vary" by Julie Murphy

    ​If you've ever wondered about what you would say during your final months on this earth and what would happen if you found out you actually were going to live longer, then this is the novel for you.

  5. ​"Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen

    "Water for Elephants," later adapted into a film, follows the story of Jacob Jankowski, who quits school after tragedy hits and joins the circus. What follows is a story of forbidden love and loyalty.

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How long do you think it takes to write a novel? A year? Five years? For some, 30 days is just enough; at least, if you’re participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Participants sign up online. The challenge? To write the first draft of a novel that’s at least 50,000 words. You start on November 1 and end on November 30. It’s that simple. After that, you’re free to work on revisions for as long as you want. Put that story on the page!

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วันเสาร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

Timeline of National Novel Writing Month 2021

National Novel Writing Month timeline


New website and format

The site supported over a million visitors in just the first month after the new format launched.


​Nonprofit status

By donating to NaNoWriMo, people can help increase the number of writing programs and resources.


​New month

​National Novel Writing Month moved to November

​July 1999

Beginnings by the Bay

​​Freelance writer Chris Baty started National Novel Writing Month in San Francisco.

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How long do you think it takes to write a novel? A year? Five years? For some, 30 days is just enough; at least, if you’re participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Participants sign up online. The challenge? To write the first draft of a novel that’s at least 50,000 words. You start on November 1 and end on November 30. It’s that simple. After that, you’re free to work on revisions for as long as you want. Put that story on the page!

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Listicles Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month 2021

5 Must-Know COPD Facts

  1. ​It's a killer

    ​COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. — following closely behind heart disease, cancer and strokes.

  2. ​It's costly

    ​COPD is a big money waster, costing the U.S. about $50 billion each year in health-related economic losses.

  3. ​It affects women more often

    ​According to a CDC study, COPD kills more women than men each year.

  4. ​It makes teens vulnerable

    ​Each day, 4,000 teens start smoking for the very first time.

  5. ​It's constant

    ​Someone with COPD dies every four minutes in the U.S.

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Over 30 million Americans are walking around with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and don’t even know they have it. That’s why it’s so important to review your risk factors during COPD Awareness Month in November. COPD is actually an umbrella term encompassing several progressive lung diseases including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and irreversible asthma. During COPD Awareness Month, you can check out community resources, attend health fairs, participate in online forums, and even show your support by wearing orange.

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Manatee Awareness Month 2021

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The manatee is a glorious creature, peaceful and patient, happily grazing on the broad variety of foods that exist within their aquatic home. They are a popular and well loved feature of the places they inhabit, serving as a sort of mascot for visitors and serving as a great draw for tourists. However, manatee aren’t the only creatures that love and adore the water, and they often find themselves in danger from their human fans, unable to move out of the way of the speedboats. Manatee Awareness Month reminds us that we aren’t the only creature in our watery play spaces.

History of Manatee Awareness Month

Manatee really are just wonderfully gentle creatures, but they aren’t at all quick, and certainly not quick enough to avoid the speedboats that often share their homes. Our use of the watery environments they live in leads to all sorts of interactions that are less than optimal to a happy manatee. The speedboat propellers often chew up their backs and cause grievous harm, and even those who appreciate them and try to keep them safe can bring them harm.

Feeding manatees, petting them, and even trying to ride them are all things that happen from overzealous tourists, but these can disrupt the natural day to day life of the manatee and impact their ability to survive. Manatee Awareness Month works to spread the news about these wonderful creatures and how to live side by side with them without bringing them harm or otherwise leading to their already endangered status becoming worse. After all, a future without manatee is a sad future indeed.

How to celebrate Manatee Awareness Month

Manatee Awareness Day is best spent showing your love and appreciation of the gentle sea cow, the manatee. If you live in a place where manatee inhabit the local waters, then go out and help educate people on how to interact with them.

Few people truly wish to bring them harm, but these large and friendly creatures often attract the well-meaning, help them know how to truly support the manatee.

If you live far from these gentle beauties, then you can learn on the internet, study in your local library, or even work to collect money to donate to those organizations that work to protect them.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

Listicles National Scholarship Month 2021

5 Unusual Scholarships That Might Just Pay For College

  1. Scary — but true

    The Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship offers $2,000 for the best answer to this question: "Imagine that your high school or college has been overrun with zombies. Your math professor, the cafeteria ladies, and even your best friend have all joined the walking dead. Flesh out a plan to avoid the zombies, including where you’d hide and the top five things you’d bring to stay alive." (250 words or less.) Nothing quite like a cafeteria lady zombie.

  2. Quacks welcome

    If you can trick ducks into falling for you based on your call, the Chick and Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest has scholarship money for you.

  3. Twice the money

    Teachers and students are used to seeing double at Kansas' Sterling College thanks to its Twin Scholarship program that splits a scholarship between twins. (No word on quintuplets.)

  4. Short and sweet

    The Little People of America Association (LPA) looks out for its own with scholarships ranging from $250 – $1,000 for members 4'10" or shorter.

  5. A visionary scholarship

    The National Federation of the Blind provides over $120,000 each year to legally blind students in all 50 states. Applications are available on Nov. 1.

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Financing a college education in America has become a seriously stressful endeavor. Student loans, while convenient now, can result in crushing debt later. That’s why the National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) sponsors National Scholarship Month each November.  It encourages students to concentrate on securing funds they’ll never need to pay back. Learn how to be creative during your search; you’ll be surprised by what you find. Curious about the Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship? Read on! Also, meet the CEO who won 24 scholarships and $90,000 en route to a Harvard degree.

So make a plan, set clear goals, and research the scholarships of your choice. Then, apply, apply, apply!  To start you off, we’ve gathered lots of helpful information so you can get a jump on the competition!  

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Listicles PTA Healthy Lifestyles Month 2021

​5 Reasons Why The PTA Still Matters After 100 Years

  1. ​It was started by mothers

    Just before the turn of the century, the PTA started out as the National Congress of Mothers through the efforts of Alice McLellan Birney and Phoebe Apperson Hearst, two moms who worked to protect children from dangerous working conditions, unsanitary living conditions, and poverty.

  2. ​Its members pay dues

    ​In 1974, national convention delegates voted for an increase in dues from 10 cents to a whopping 20 cents annually.

  3. ​It provides leadership on healthy school-based programs

    Thanks to the PTA, many American schoolchildren enjoy public health service and hot, healthy meals through lunch programs.

  4. ​It works to ensure age-appropriate television content

    ​The PTA provides guidance on television content for children by suggesting ratings guidelines.

  5. ​It supported the concept of a separate juvenile justice system

    ​The PTA showed leadership in championing a separate juvenile justice system for children so that they wouldn't be tried and incarcerated as adults.

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Back in the day, it wasn’t hard to lure children outdoors to play. But with cellphones, social media, video games and the like, more children are turning into couch potatoes — and at earlier ages. PTA Healthy Lifestyles Month takes place every November. This year’s theme is “Get Off Your Apps.” Let’s encourage children to turn off their devices and connect with family and friends through constructive play, family exercise, and physical education programs at school and at home.

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Native American Heritage Month 2021

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In countries all over the world, new people have travelled from their points of origin the inhabit land that previously belonged to others. While we call the Americas the “New World”, the culture and history of that country was anything but new when it was first discovered by Europeans.

The relations between their new neighbors (who quickly made themselves unwelcome) were tenuous and then tumultuous, until the culture of the country’s first inhabitants were nearly forgotten. Native American Heritage Month honors those who remain and serves as a reminder that the culture is far from dead, it’s still alive and breathing in the descendants of the First Americans.

History of Native American Heritage Month

The history of Native American Heritage Month goes back a surprisingly long time, even without considering the hundreds of years that Europeans have imposed themselves on the New World. The first inklings that such a day may come to pass occurred back in 1915 when Red Fox James, a Native American of the Blackfoot nation, took it upon himself to ride a horse from state to state seeking approval from 24 separate state governments for a day to honor the “American Indian”. In December of that year he presented it to the White House, apparently to no positive effect.

It was George H. W. Bush who officially took the steps to push forward a joint resolution that made November of 1990 the first official Native American Heritage Month. Multiple proclamations have been made since each year following 1994. Since then cultural sites, museums, and native tribal councils have organized events showcasing their rich and diverse culture and history so that it might be spread to the young and continue to thrive.

How to celebrate Native American Heritage Month

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month involves taking the time to recognize the rich diversities of the cultures that existed in America before it became the world power it is today. There are hundreds of tribes across the nation, but most people are only capable of naming a few, and even fewer are represented in the media of the day. If you live in the Americas, Native American Heritage Month is a great opportunity to research your local history and discover which tribes called the land you now live on home.

Then go on to find out what local tribal communities they are near you, and what sort of activities they present as part of their history during Native American Heritage Month. Visit, learn, and take it all in to honor this still living culture.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

Why Do We Celebrate National Fun with Fondue Month?

How to Observe National Fun with Fondue Month

  1. Get the right tools

    Most standard fondue pots are made of ceramic and cast iron, and a fondue set will include forks and its own burner.

  2. Have a party

    It's essential that you share the deliciousness with your friends. Have people bring sides or drinks while you whip up different versions of the main course.

  3. Explore the variations

    From brothy fondue chinoise to oily fondue bourguignonne and wine-flavored fondue vigneronne, it's easy to break away from just having cheese or chocolate.

Why National Fun with Fondue Month is Important

  1. It's cozy

    Dipping sauce kept warm throughout a blustery fall or winter evening is the definition of comfort.

  2. It's communal

    Imagine this: a delicious sauce in a single pot, lots of morsels to dip, and many forks. It's the perfect recipe for a get-together with a bunch of friends for great food and conversation.

  3. It's versatile

    In one night, you can move from a beer and cheese fondue to a Thai lemongrass fondue. Then, transition to a roasted garlic broth fondue with chicken or pork — and finish it off with a chocolate, caramel, butterscotch, or s'mores fondue. Expand your dipping imagination!

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Fondue is one of the tastiest, coziest, and most social meals you can put together, so it makes sense to celebrate this truly wonderful dish in the blustery month of November. Can’t make it out to the famed restaurant La Buvette des Bains in Geneva to try the truly authentic version of fondue? Not to worry. With the right cooking equipment, fondue is easy enough to make and share with your favorite people during National Fondue Lovers Month. Oh, and no double-dipping!


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Why Do We Celebrate National Novel Writing Month?

National Novel Writing Month Activities

  1. Take a ride on the writer's side.

    Give writing a shot this November. If you've always had a love for words, creative syntax, and a good story to tell, take the challenge. We want to read your work.

  2. Support the participants

    Try some motivational quotes. Encourage them to keep writing and provide snacks for their all-nighters.

  3. Read published NaNoWriMo novels

    It's the greatest gift you can give to a new writer.

Why We Love National Novel Writing Month

  1. It challenges writers to just go for it

    Writing a novel can be a daunting task for anyone, but this deadline forces you to put away the doubts and excuses.

  2. We get some awesome results

    Some works eventually get published thanks to National Novel Writing Month. Your favorite novel may have been a product of this challenge.

  3. It's a reminder that stories matter

    There are many potential authors out there with great ideas. NaNoWriMo promotes collaboration and support between writers.

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How long do you think it takes to write a novel? A year? Five years? For some, 30 days is just enough; at least, if you’re participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Participants sign up online. The challenge? To write the first draft of a novel that’s at least 50,000 words. You start on November 1 and end on November 30. It’s that simple. After that, you’re free to work on revisions for as long as you want. Put that story on the page!

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Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month 2021

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Peanut Butter, that strange thick rich concoction of a humble legume. It appears in candy’s, in sandwiches, and even in rich savory dishes in the form of a sauce. There’s crunchy peanut butter and creamy peanut butter, and peanut butter that comes premixed with honey. Rich and full of protein, it’s also favored by body builders, hikers, and health nuts alike. November is Peanut Butter Lover’s Month, so get ready for an entire month of Peanut Buttery Madness!

History of Peanut Butter Month

You can’t talk about the history of Peanut Butter Month without talking about the history of peanut butter, and by extension, peanuts. Peanuts are a legume that originates in South America, and has been domesticated for 7600 years. Can’t be surprised that a little legume (not a nut!) that’s been around for so long has proven to be so incredibly popular the world round.

While the origins of peanut butter can be traced back to the Aztecs and Incans, the modern history of it starts in 1884, when it was patented by a chemist by the name of Edson. His whole purpose in developing it was to ensure that those who had issue chewing hard foods would be able to have a delicious way to get the nutrition they needed.

Since then they’ve exploded onto the culinary scene in every possible permutation, and can be found in some variation in some form in every meal. In 1995 Peanut Butter Lovers month came into existence and has been celebrated ever since in a month-long peanut buttery bacchanal!

How to Celebrate Peanut Butter Lovers Month

Considering how flexible peanut butter is as an ingredient, Peanut Butter Lovers Month is your opportunity to start putting more of this fantastic legume into your meals. Every day you can add in one peanut butter themed meal into your diet. Whether it’s a simple Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich for lunch, or a savory and delicious pad thai, there’s tons of ways for you to incorporate it.

Perhaps the best way to make this a fun and social event, is to get friends and family together every week with their best and most creative peanut butter recipes. You’d be amazed at exactly what you can come up with, and just how many different types of meals there are that it can be included in.

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วันพุธที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

Timeline of National Scholarship Month 2021

National Scholarship Month timeline


The Japanese American Citizens League

After World War II, the JACL begins as a way to support the Japanese-American community — featuring the National Scholarship and Awards Program.


Scholarship America

Irving Fradkin, a Massachusetts optometrist, creates the organization — now in its seventh decade. As of July 2019, the group had over 60 scholarships listed on their website.


The first National Scholarship Month

Scholarship America establishes the observance in order to help kids make it through college. The inaugural event features speeches from Gen. Colin Powell and Sen. Ted Kennedy.


NSM 20th anniversary

The National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) selects November as National Scholarship Month. Fastweb, the nation's recognized leader in helping students pay for college, challenges students to apply for 10 scholarships during the month.

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Financing a college education in America has become a seriously stressful endeavor. Student loans, while convenient now, can result in crushing debt later. That’s why the National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) sponsors National Scholarship Month each November.  It encourages students to concentrate on securing funds they’ll never need to pay back. Learn how to be creative during your search; you’ll be surprised by what you find. Curious about the Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship? Read on! Also, meet the CEO who won 24 scholarships and $90,000 en route to a Harvard degree.

So make a plan, set clear goals, and research the scholarships of your choice. Then, apply, apply, apply!  To start you off, we’ve gathered lots of helpful information so you can get a jump on the competition!  

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วันอังคารที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

Native American Heritage Month 2021

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In countries all over the world, new people have travelled from their points of origin the inhabit land that previously belonged to others. While we call the Americas the “New World”, the culture and history of that country was anything but new when it was first discovered by Europeans.

The relations between their new neighbors (who quickly made themselves unwelcome) were tenuous and then tumultuous, until the culture of the country’s first inhabitants were nearly forgotten. Native American Heritage Month honors those who remain and serves as a reminder that the culture is far from dead, it’s still alive and breathing in the descendants of the First Americans.

History of Native American Heritage Month

The history of Native American Heritage Month goes back a surprisingly long time, even without considering the hundreds of years that Europeans have imposed themselves on the New World. The first inklings that such a day may come to pass occurred back in 1915 when Red Fox James, a Native American of the Blackfoot nation, took it upon himself to ride a horse from state to state seeking approval from 24 separate state governments for a day to honor the “American Indian”. In December of that year he presented it to the White House, apparently to no positive effect.

It was George H. W. Bush who officially took the steps to push forward a joint resolution that made November of 1990 the first official Native American Heritage Month. Multiple proclamations have been made since each year following 1994. Since then cultural sites, museums, and native tribal councils have organized events showcasing their rich and diverse culture and history so that it might be spread to the young and continue to thrive.

How to celebrate Native American Heritage Month

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month involves taking the time to recognize the rich diversities of the cultures that existed in America before it became the world power it is today. There are hundreds of tribes across the nation, but most people are only capable of naming a few, and even fewer are represented in the media of the day. If you live in the Americas, Native American Heritage Month is a great opportunity to research your local history and discover which tribes called the land you now live on home.

Then go on to find out what local tribal communities they are near you, and what sort of activities they present as part of their history during Native American Heritage Month. Visit, learn, and take it all in to honor this still living culture.

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Adoption Month 2021

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“I don’t have children, but I have 17 nieces and nephews, and they more than makeup for anything that I can do. I have a stepdaughter, and I adore her to pieces, and I think about adoption. There are so many kids at different ages and stages that need families.” ~ Lauren Velez

Adoption Month is a month dedicated to bringing awareness to adoption and the children in need of homes and families. It’s a national holiday that aims at bringing good into the world by putting children first and aims to try and bring families together. If you want to learn more about this unique holiday, read more to learn about its history and see how you can participate in its celebration.

History of Adoption Month

Also called Adoption Awareness Month, it began in 1976 when Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis announced an Adoption Week to promote the need for families to adopt children in foster care. From there, then holiday became official under the presidency of Ronald Reagan in 1984. A few years later, in 1995, President Clinton proclaimed that Adoption Week should be changed to a month instead of a week because of the pressing need for adoptive families to take part in adopting children. From there, President Clinton expanded the adoption process by allowing families to use the internet as a resource for adoption.

Adoption Month became a national holiday for people to take part in. Current officials and candidates generally support this effort, and since then, Adoption Month has been proven to be somewhat successful. Since 2014, roughly 50,000 children have been adopted each year with the average age being about 7 years old. However, more statistics state that while 81.5 million Americans have considered adoption, about 23,000 children age out of foster care without finding a family. While more research is still in the process as each year passes, adoption is an important decision to make in a person’s life and should always consider all of the factors at play.

How to Celebrate Adoption Month

If you or a friend is considering adoption, then take research into all the factors associated with the adoption process, the child you want, and what it would cost to take care of the child. If you are ready for this important life decision, then talk with your local adoption center and see how you can get started. Take some time to research what the adoption process is like and see how you can change a child’s life forever. One of the best ways you can spread awareness of this holiday is by sharing it on social media so all of your friends and family members can know what day it is by using the hashtag #adoptionmonth.

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Why Do We Celebrate No-Shave November?

No-Shave November Activities

  1. Let your hair grow and flow, obviously

    The rules of No-Shave November are easy to remember: Don't shave during the month and, instead, donate your typical monthly hair expenses to the cause.

  2. Set up your own fundraiser

    The rules of No-Shave November are easy to remember: Don't shave during the month and, instead, donate your typical monthly hair expenses to the cause.

  3. Spread the word far and wide

    It's great to live in an interconnected world. That's because you can support, celebrate and endorse No-Shave November on social media. Don't forget the hashtag: #NoShaveNovember

Why We Love No-Shave November

  1. Cancer touches everyone

    Most people know someone who is suffering from cancer. Although treatment has improved over the decades, it remains one of the deadliest diseases in the world.

  2. Hair is in!

    Trends come and go. Then they come back. One trend that came back around (with a vengeance) is facial hair. You can't throw a stick these days without hitting a dude with a bodacious beard or a 1970s-style mustache.

  3. It reminds us of things we don't normally think about

    The clever idea behind No-Shave November is the idea that cancer patients often lose their hair. No-Shave November brings that into focus while raising money and awareness.

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What is No-Shave November?

No-Shave November seeks to grow awareness — not to mention hair-ness — about cancer. The organizers want people to embrace their hair, which many cancer patients lose, and to let it grow — as the holiday’s originators say — “wild and free.” No-Shave November is a fun and creative way to remind folks that many of our friends and neighbors struggle every day with the disease and with efforts to fight it. Moreover, organizers also encourage participants to donate the money they’d normally spend on hair care to cancer support and educational organizations.

History of No-Shave November

No-Shave November was created in 2009, two years after the passing of Matthew Hill who struggled with colorectal cancer during the month of November in 2007. He and his family had already adopted the practice of not shaving during the month of November and donating the expenses typically used on razors and shaving cream to charities that support research into illnesses such as prostate, testicular, and colorectal cancer among others. 
The idea of using facial hair to create awareness during November started in 2003 in Australia with a group of friends who coined the term, “Movember,” in reference to how they will be growing out their mustaches and collecting money for mens’ health charities during that month. The Movember Foundation and No-Shave November are two separate entities, but they are both supporting and call for the same thing – stop shaving (or grow a mustache) during the month of November to spread awareness and donate to these types of charities. 
In the past decade and a half that the two charities have been around they’ve been able to raise millions of dollars in support of charities that research prostate, testicular, and colorectal cancer prevention. 

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Why Do We Celebrate National Home Care and Hospice Month?

How to Celebrate National Home Care and Hospice Month

  1. Celebrate hospice professionals

    There are endless ways to make the lives of hospice workers just a little bit more fun. This could include catering a meal, giving out awards or thank-you cards, holding a “Caregivers Night Out” and volunteering to look after their children, or just taking to social media to shout out a caregiver who has made a difference in your life or the life of a family member.

  2. Promote awareness of issues for hospice workers

    Like so many essential workers, home care, and hospice workers are drastically underpaid. Every day, these individuals drive for miles to ensure the health of those they look after, and the cleanliness of their homes - and that’s the easy part. Hospice work can be extremely emotionally and physically demanding, as individuals often need an extreme amount of care, and the workers must watch them endure difficult situations. Today, use your voice and advocate for these workers to receive better pay and appreciation.

  3. Visit a loved one in hospice

    Though hospice and home care professionals deserve the spotlight on this day, those who require care at the end of their lives or through a difficult illness deserve extra love as well. Use today as a reminder to celebrate the individuals in your life who are in hospice by bringing them flowers and sitting and talking with them.

Why We Love National Home Care and Hospice Month

  1. Home Care provides dignity for many

    Home care and hospice workers believe that those at the end of their lives deserve the right to pass peacefully and on their own terms. The elderly often far prefer to stay in the comfort of their homes, where they feel freer and are at less risk of contracting other illnesses. The existence of home care makes this level of freedom available to many who otherwise would not have had it.

  2. This month gives us a chance to improve caregivers’ lives

    These professionals dedicate physical, emotional, and mental energy to each one of the individuals in their care, and often deal with the emotional fallout when the terminally ill take a turn for the worst or pass away. Besides, many caregivers drive long hours to visit each of their patients, and often don’t even make $15/hour. We all should pitch in to ease these burdens!

  3. It proves the healing power of the home and loved ones

    The elderly who wish to retain the freedom of staying in their home and ending their lives on their own terms experience true psychological benefits. Their comfortable surroundings allow them to end their lives with a sense of dignity, which is incredibly valuable. In fact, home care harkens back to older days, when tending to the terminally ill at home was the standard. There’s always the added benefit of being closer to their loved ones in their final days.

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National Home Care and Hospice Month in November is when we honor all professionals who work in the broad field of home care and hospice work – this includes physicians, nurses, aides, social workers, physical therapists, and so much more. There are four types of hospice care: routine home care, continuous home care, general inpatient care, and respite care. Each requires a different skillset and comes with its own emotional and physical demands. The professionals who perform these services often receive very little pay, yet are committed to helping patients live and pass away with dignity. This month is for them.

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Timeline of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month 2021

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month timeline


​CDC reported COPD evidence throughout U.S.

​In one of the largest phone surveys ever conducted in the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quantified the prevalence of COPD in all 50 states.

​The 1990s

​Healthy lifestyle choices encouraged

This included quitting smoking — and being aware of clean air — as a way to manage COPD symptoms and to bring back pulmonary function.


Smoking linked to emphysema for the first time

​​In his landmark book "The Natural History of Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema," Dr. Charles Fletcher connected smoking to emphysema.

​The 1960s

​Oxygen therapies used during clinical trials

​Researchers at the University of Colorado were first to use oxygen therapy in clinical trials.


​COPD components defined by medical group

​The Ciba Guest Symposium, a group of medical professionals studying COPD, helped to sort out and define its main components.

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Over 30 million Americans are walking around with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and don’t even know they have it. That’s why it’s so important to review your risk factors during COPD Awareness Month in November. COPD is actually an umbrella term encompassing several progressive lung diseases including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and irreversible asthma. During COPD Awareness Month, you can check out community resources, attend health fairs, participate in online forums, and even show your support by wearing orange.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

Listicles Banana Pudding Lovers Month 2021

5 Sweet & Fluffy Banana Pudding Facts

  1. Airborne dessert

    Georgia band Southern Culture On the Skids used to throw banana pudding at their live audience during their suitably named song "Banana Puddin."

  2. A jarring way to serve

    In the Southern U.S., restaurants traditionally serve banana pudding in mason jars.

  3. Banana battle

    Judges at the annual National Banana Pudding Cook-Off rate puddings based on use of basic ingredients, appetizing appearance, texture, color, aroma, taste, and ease of preparation.

  4. Pudding sans pudding

    Influential Boston cooking teacher Mary J. Lincoln made banana pudding without pudding — just layers of sliced bananas sprinkled with sugar and lemon juice, baked and topped with meringue.

  5. The versatile pudding

    Banana pudding can be chilled, baked or even molded.

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Created by the Rodgers’ Pudding company in Chesapeake, Virginia, Banana Pudding Lovers Month gives all of us an opportunity to pay tribute to the only pudding flavor that can give plain ol’ chocolate a run for its money. Besides being tasty and satisfying, banana pudding has a surprisingly rich history in this country — and enough fans to support an annual two-day National Banana Pudding Festival and Cook-Off. So as you ramp up to Thanksgiving, treat yourself throughout November to this delectable dish.

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Why Do We Celebrate National Alzheimer's Disease Month?

How to Observe National Alzheimer's Disease Month

  1. Take a memory walk

    The Alzheimer's Association is sponsoring memory walks all over the country. Thousands of people come together to raise funds to support both the care of patients and the research for a cure. Wear blue if you have dementia, or purple if you've lost a loved one to the disease.

  2. Get screened

    The National Memory Screening Program allows you to answer a list of questions to see if you or someone you know may potentially have Alzheimer's Disease. The test is a series of questions to measure your language skills, thinking ability, and intellectual functions. Taking the test is free. But it will not definitely tell you whether or not you have AD. Check with your doctor to get a thorough evaluation.

  3. Donate

    Your dollars are critical in the search for a cure. Funding also helps develop new medications to slow the effects of the disease. Your support makes it all happen.

Why National Alzheimer's Disease Month is Important

  1. It's progressive

    Alzheimer's Disease worsens over time and eventually the sufferer can no longer do routine tasks. During full progression, patients aren't sure where they are or may not be able to converse. When symptoms are fully apparent, people with AD may only live an average of eight years, but some can survive up to 20 years, depending on their overall health.

  2. It interferes with your memory

    Alzheimer's (AD) attacks your memory of people, places, and things. The symptoms to look for include memory loss (especially short-term), trouble making plans and solving problems, confusion over times or places, and misplacing objects. AD patients also experience mood and personality changes that can devolve into someone being confused, suspicious, or even depressed.

  3. It encourages a routine

    When someone has AD, having a routine is critical to helping the person manage their symptoms. As a caregiver, try to keep from overstimulating the person. Keep details to a minimum and speak calmly about one idea at a time. Most importantly, reassure your loved one that they are safe with you.

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Alzheimer’s Disease may be one of the cruelest diseases because a sufferer seemingly “disappears” until the person they were — no longer exists. National Alzheimer’s Disease Month, each November, reminds us that over 5 million Americans suffer. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), a form of dementia, impacts memory, thinking, and behavior. AD ranks as the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. and the most common form of dementia in 60-80% of all diagnosed cases. Learn the symptoms, treatments, and latest research, as well as how you can help.

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Listicles National Scholarship Month 2021

5 Unusual Scholarships That Might Just Pay For College

  1. Scary — but true

    The Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship offers $2,000 for the best answer to this question: "Imagine that your high school or college has been overrun with zombies. Your math professor, the cafeteria ladies, and even your best friend have all joined the walking dead. Flesh out a plan to avoid the zombies, including where you’d hide and the top five things you’d bring to stay alive." (250 words or less.) Nothing quite like a cafeteria lady zombie.

  2. Quacks welcome

    If you can trick ducks into falling for you based on your call, the Chick and Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest has scholarship money for you.

  3. Twice the money

    Teachers and students are used to seeing double at Kansas' Sterling College thanks to its Twin Scholarship program that splits a scholarship between twins. (No word on quintuplets.)

  4. Short and sweet

    The Little People of America Association (LPA) looks out for its own with scholarships ranging from $250 – $1,000 for members 4'10" or shorter.

  5. A visionary scholarship

    The National Federation of the Blind provides over $120,000 each year to legally blind students in all 50 states. Applications are available on Nov. 1.

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Financing a college education in America has become a seriously stressful endeavor. Student loans, while convenient now, can result in crushing debt later. That’s why the National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) sponsors National Scholarship Month each November.  It encourages students to concentrate on securing funds they’ll never need to pay back. Learn how to be creative during your search; you’ll be surprised by what you find. Curious about the Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship? Read on! Also, meet the CEO who won 24 scholarships and $90,000 en route to a Harvard degree.

So make a plan, set clear goals, and research the scholarships of your choice. Then, apply, apply, apply!  To start you off, we’ve gathered lots of helpful information so you can get a jump on the competition!  

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

Listicles National Healthy Skin Month 2021

4 Facts That Give You "The Skinny" On Your Skin

  1. ​Here's the thick and thin of it

    ​Did you know that your feet are padded with the thickest skin on your body and your eyelids have the thinnest?

  2. ​You shed

    ​Some sources say that just like our dogs and cats, almost half of the dust we shed in our home is dead skin.

  3. ​We renew monthly

    Just like clockwork, our skin renews itself every 28 days.

  4. ​Pay attention to your skin

    ​Skin changes may indicate health changes.

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It’s time to pay attention to your skin. National Healthy Skin Month each November is sponsored by the American Academy of Dermatology. You may not realize it, but your skin reveals a lot about your overall health. This month makes you aware of what it takes to keep your skin healthy as well as understanding how to treat and prevent common skin problems. National Healthy Skin Month stresses how to correctly use sunscreen and offers helpful tips on how to check your skin periodically to prevent skin cancer.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

Absurdity Day 2021

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Have you ever looked at a clown and wondered why humanity created such an interesting yet terrifying creature? Ever looked at all the art in the museums and thought about how absurd it all looks? Absurdity Day is a day all about celebrating the absurd. Whether you want to look into artistic movements, write snazzy slam poetry that doesn’t make sense, or just dress up in a funny costume and talk about the economic deficit, then this is the day to just get weird and crazy and make life more interesting.

History of Absurdity Day

The Absurdist movement began in the post-world war II era, where the threat of nuclear bombs of the cold war and the tragedies of the Nazi camp concentrations. In connection to philosophies like existentialism and nihilism, Absurdists believe while there could be meaning, we will never know, and hence explores that ideology through constructing absurd meaning in things. It began with the idea of Theater in the Absurd, with artists such as Samuel Beckett and Jean Genet creating theatrical works of art that expand on the absurd. The Absurdist movement is still currently active today and there are many parts of the world which have theatrical performances and artistic expression that go along with these ideas.

Absurdity Day is henceforth a day to celebrate the absurd. If you’re not into the philosophical discussions about ideas and movements, then this is just a day to be silly and have lots of fun. Absurdity Day is all about finding humor in the mundane things of life and allows you as an individual to create works of art or perform a certain way that defies the norms of a structured society. However, this day isn’t suggested as a way to break rules, specifically ones that can affect your future. Caution is still made, but if you’re going to be silly, do it in a way that can be fun for everybody involved.

How to celebrate Absurdity Day

So, how do you celebrate a holiday dedicated to the absurd? Dress up in a funny outfit and go around and greet people. Create abstract meme art on the internet and share it on your favorite forum. Cook food that shouldn’t taste good but surprises you with deliciousness! Write poetry referencing the great artists of the past while mocking their ideological entitlement. If you’re up for the fun, then use the hashtag #absurdityday and let your friends know it’s time to be silly.

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Why Do We Celebrate National Alzheimer's Disease Month?

How to Observe National Alzheimer's Disease Month

  1. Take a memory walk

    The Alzheimer's Association is sponsoring memory walks all over the country. Thousands of people come together to raise funds to support both the care of patients and the research for a cure. Wear blue if you have dementia, or purple if you've lost a loved one to the disease.

  2. Get screened

    The National Memory Screening Program allows you to answer a list of questions to see if you or someone you know may potentially have Alzheimer's Disease. The test is a series of questions to measure your language skills, thinking ability, and intellectual functions. Taking the test is free. But it will not definitely tell you whether or not you have AD. Check with your doctor to get a thorough evaluation.

  3. Donate

    Your dollars are critical in the search for a cure. Funding also helps develop new medications to slow the effects of the disease. Your support makes it all happen.

Why National Alzheimer's Disease Month is Important

  1. It's progressive

    Alzheimer's Disease worsens over time and eventually the sufferer can no longer do routine tasks. During full progression, patients aren't sure where they are or may not be able to converse. When symptoms are fully apparent, people with AD may only live an average of eight years, but some can survive up to 20 years, depending on their overall health.

  2. It interferes with your memory

    Alzheimer's (AD) attacks your memory of people, places, and things. The symptoms to look for include memory loss (especially short-term), trouble making plans and solving problems, confusion over times or places, and misplacing objects. AD patients also experience mood and personality changes that can devolve into someone being confused, suspicious, or even depressed.

  3. It encourages a routine

    When someone has AD, having a routine is critical to helping the person manage their symptoms. As a caregiver, try to keep from overstimulating the person. Keep details to a minimum and speak calmly about one idea at a time. Most importantly, reassure your loved one that they are safe with you.

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Alzheimer’s Disease may be one of the cruelest diseases because a sufferer seemingly “disappears” until the person they were — no longer exists. National Alzheimer’s Disease Month, each November, reminds us that over 5 million Americans suffer. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), a form of dementia, impacts memory, thinking, and behavior. AD ranks as the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. and the most common form of dementia in 60-80% of all diagnosed cases. Learn the symptoms, treatments, and latest research, as well as how you can help.

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